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575 Total Reviews /files//WinnipegHomeServices-33Wally.png204-339-2559$43 Burnett Ave, Winnipeg MB

WHN Knight Wall Hung Condensing Gas Boiler

Since 1919, Lochinvar Corporation has provided homes and businesses with innovative, efficient solutions for water heating and space heating. Lochinvars industry-leading technology makes the KNIGHT heating boiler the best choice you can make to keep your family warm and comfortable through the entire range of winter temperatures.

  • Smart System Control with advanced user features
  • 5:1 Firing Rate Modulation The burner can fire as low as 20% of maximum input and modulate the firing rate up to 100 percent as demand increases. A woven stainless steel mesh enclosed burner tube fires in a 360 degree pattern along the entire length of the primary heat exchanger.
  • Two-in-One Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger A primary heat exchanger combined with a secondary heat exchanger captures flue gas heat and condenses to utilize available latent energy. The stainless steel, pH-tolerant design features a weld-sealed assembly with no O-rings or gaskets and does not require special glycol. ASME Section IV approved and stamped.
  • Multi-Color Digital Operating Control With navigation dial and soft keys.
  • Outdoor Reset With outdoor air sensor.
  • Programmable System Efficiency Optimizers Night setback, DHW night setback, boost temperature, and time
  • Three Pump Control System pumpw with parameter for continous operation. Boiler pump with variable speed control. DHW pump.
  • Direct Spark Ingnition With Low-NOx operation.
MODELInput MBtuHOutput MBtuHAFUEDimensions
Water Content
WHN05555.0 51.0 95.0 33.25x18.5x16 0.00 139
WHN08585.0 79.0 95.0 33.25x18.5x16 0.00 142
WHN110110.0 102.0 95.0 33.25x18.5x19 0.00 159
WHN155155.0 144.0 95.0 33.25x18.5x19 0.00 166
WHN199199.9 185.0 95.0 33.25x18.5x19 0.00 175
WHN285285.0 264.0 95.0 33.25x18.5x19 0.00 184
WHN399399.0 377.0 94.4 35.5x25x21.75 0.00 213

Warranty Information

  • Heat Exchanger for 84 months - Limited 7 Years
  • All Parts for 24 months -

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